
Our mission?

Create a real time case study that reevaluates our relationship with social media – We’re living outside our timelines, so you can live outside yours.

Are we crazy?

Social platforms provide us with the tools to connect, explore our interests and see what people within our social networks are doing. Whether we like it or not, it’s here to stay, guiding our decisions, interests, and social behaviors in a way like nothing has before. We wonder, “Who likes what?” “Did they re-pin me?” “How many followers do I have?” “Do people think I’m interesting?”

Our social networks are thriving, but have our real social lives lost their vitality?

To answer that question we created Social Recess, a real time case study that challenges the way we view our relationship with social media. It examines the way social media affects our lives, personal relationships, and attitudes.

To do this three girls, Kait, Kelly and Michelle are giving up all social media for three weeks to see how they manage connecting with the world around them without a force that has become so natural in our daily lives. As you watch our findings, we want you to join us: to take a glimpse at how social media has affected your personal lives, your relationships and the world as you know it.

For three weeks, we’re challenging ourselves, so here’s our challenge to you: Reevaluate your relationship with social media and take a social recess.  Share your story. And most importantly? Live Outside the Timeline.